Earn Your California Employing Abilities at Work Certificate

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There are 1.9 million individuals with disabilities of working age in the State of California. To help promote diversity, inclusion and provide untapped talent to California workplaces, SHRM Foundation has partnered with the California Department of Rehabilitation (CA DOR) to create the California Employing Abilities at Work program.

The California Employing Abilities at Work certificate is designed to build your knowledge on individuals with disabilities while implementing effective and inclusive hiring practices. This multi-faceted program provides current and aspiring HR professionals the knowledge and tools needed to recruit, hire and retain individuals with disabilities in California workplaces. The core content, learning scenarios, case studies and supporting resources will also grow your own confidence and awareness in the workplace. You will also learn about the laws and regulations unique to California, and how to access the programs and services of CA-DOR to support your efforts.

Completing the California Employing Abilities at Work Certificate program will empower you to:

Understand the barriers to employment experienced by individuals with disabilities.

Comply with the unique state-specific laws and regulations that California enforces in the workplace.

Articulate the business case for building a workforce that is equitable and inclusive of individuals with disabilities.

Create organizational strategies to recruit, hire, retain, and develop this talent pool.

Educate your stakeholders to reduce barriers to employment faced by individuals with disabilities.

Earn 10 professional development credits toward your SHRM-CP or SHRM-SCP certification.

Promote your commitment to inclusive workplaces through a digital badge.

Program Overview

Here is an overview of the steps you need to complete for this program:


Estimated Time Commitment

Complete all learning modules and review all video content 7.5 hours
Review material in the companion resource guide 1.5 hours
Complete Pre-course Assessment 30 minutes
Pass the End-Of-Course Exam 30 minutes
Total Commitment 10 hours

Professional Development


Credly Digital Badging

SHRM Foundation now provides its digital badge services to Credly, a market leader in the digital credentialing space.

You will be able to communicate your achievement through

  • A web-enabled version of your credential(s)
  • A place to manage your badge(s)
  • An overview of the skills required for your credential(s)
  • A secure means of storing and publishing your credential(s)
  • Access to Credly labor market insights (LMI)
  • A way for employers, customers, and clients to verify your credential(s)
Download the Credly Badge Earners Guide for additional information on digital badging.


If you are SHRM certified (SHRM-CP or SHRM-SCP) you may claim 10 professional development credits (PDCs) after earning your SHRM Foundation California Employing Abilities at Work certificate. You must complete all requirements for the certificate to earn the 10 credits – no partial credit is given. To claim your credits:

Log in to the certification portal.

Under “Activities”, select “Add PDCs”.

Select “Advance Your Education”.

Enter the Activity ID Number found at the bottom of your California Employing Abilities at Work certificate, just under the SHRM Foundation logo. When you enter this number, the required fields will be automatically completed with the details.

Click submit.


We are here to help with any questions you might have. Please contact us at [email protected]


For More Information on How To Get Involved

[email protected]